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Ten Of The Best Supplements That Men Need For Optimum Nutrition
There are many nutrition supplements at your local health food store. So many to choose from so confusing which ones are the right ones. How many should you take? Here you will learn what you need to take for the best health benefits. A word of warning here although these products are convenient getting some of your nutrition in liquid form or capsules is only recommended when you can't eat properly or you feel you are not getting your proper daily nutrients. The companies that make the products themselves mostly fund the studies of meal replacements, and the manufactures usually test their supplements against similar supplements not the benefits of whole foods. BORON WILL AID IN THE DEFENSE OF PROSTATE CANCER A high level of this mineral will help reduce the chances of getting prostate cancer by 65%. US males have a one of the lowest boron levels compared to other countries.
Only 3 milligrams daily help fight cancer and studies show also improve memory and concentration.
Boron is not in stock at all health food stores. It is also naturally found in raisins and almonds.
CALCIUM FOR STRONG BONES AND WEIGHT LOSS Many men are not getting the daily allowance of 1,000 mg. A cup of milk has only 300 mg. It has been found that men with high calcium levels weigh less than men with low levels of calcium.
A dosage of 1,200 mg is preferred. Make sure you have calcium citrate it is the purist form. Take half dose in the morning and half at night. Avoid coral calcium it has some impurities.
If you get your 3 servings of calcium daily you won't need any more. You could exceed your maximum daily intake 2,500 mg.
CHROMIUM HELPS FIGHT THE CAUSES OF DIABETES It is used to assist in muscle-building, but now research has revealed that chromium can help overweight people control insulin levels. Chromium helps the body's response to insulin, this makes it better to keep the levels of blood-sugar in check.
The most effective form of this supplement is chromium picolinate. A 35-microgram dose daily is sufficient. Check with your doctor to see if you need to increase the dosage to 200 mcg, if you have a diabetic condition.
COENZYME Q10 FOR A SURE ENERGY SPIKE Coenzyme Q10 is produced in the body it assists the cells by directing your body's energy supply. As men get older the production levels diminishes. One way to revitalize these levels is by taking this supplement. Current research proves coenzyme Q10 can possibly aid in the fight against cancer, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, and could help prevent heart disease by thinning the blood. Q10 also can be used as an antioxidant that helps slow the aging process by fighting free radicals.
A dose of 100mg daily is suggested. If you are taking statin drug for cholesterol or high blood pressure you can increase the dosage to 200mg.
CREATINE FOR THAT MUSCLE AND MEMORY SPIKE Studies from the University of Wisconsin have shown a boost in men's bench press on the average of 15 lbs and also increase in the squat exercise weight by 21 lbs just by taking over a 2-3 month period. Aussie studies have also suggested that tests with memory and intelligence scores increased after 6 weeks of creatine use.
A recommended dosage of 5 mg daily mixed with a whey protein supplement to get highest possible advantage.
It is possible you won't respond to creatine alone. You can mix in a sugar substitute a see if this will help get a response.
FOLIC ACID TO SLASH ALZHEIMER'S DANGERS This supplement will increase blood flow to the brain by preventing clotting of arteries. Folic acid will also lower the levels of an amino acid called (homocysteine) that can cause blood clots. A warning sign of Alzheimer's is high homocysteine levels. Sweden studies
have shown low levels of folic acid were found in Alzheimer's patients.
A 500 mg dose if preferred daily. This dose should decrease homocysteine by almost 18% or more. You can get folic acid from these foods citrus fruit, beans, and breads and cereals that are fortified.
GLOUCOSAMINE WILL LUBRACATE THOSE JOINTS As men grow older the cartilage in the joints decreases. You can turn back the hands of time by using gloucosamine to repair and rebuild any harm to the cartilage you may have received over time. Crab and lobster shells are the main ingredients in gloucosamine. Lancet published a 3-year research study that showed 200 people that had joint conditions had reduced stiffness and pain by 25% by using gloucosamine. A12 week treatment program by The British Journal of Sports Medicine reported an 88% reduction of joint related problems by using gloucosamine on patients. A 1,500 dose daily is sufficient for a good response. A combination of gloucosamine with chondroitin will bring that cartilage right back to those early days. A study from Australia showed that spreading a gloucosamine cream of painful joints could relieve some pain.
OMEGA-3S YOUR HEART HEALER This supplement will aid in keeping high blood pressure and low triglycerides in check. Omega-3 fatty acids make the blood flow better, thus lower the chances of blood clots that could block the arteries. A high omega-3 count has shown to lower the some conditions related to heart disease.
If you in good health a dose of 1,000 mg is fine. For those in the high-risk heart disease group you may need 2,000-4,000 mg. A doctor will know what dosage is best. A side effect of to much omega-3 is a greater chance of catching a cold.
A 500 mg gelcap twice daily with meals will keep that ticker beating too the right tune.
SELENIUM YOUR ALL OUT CANCER DEFENDER This could be the your best choice for the fight against cancer. This nutrient has caused most cancer cells to tear down by them selves. Some studies have shown that selenium has lower some risk of cancers related to the colon, lungs, and prostate.
A dose of 200 mg daily is recommended. If you're sick taking more possibly will reduce the length of your sickness. Some research has shown that deceased levels of selenium have made some virus change, making symptoms worse for the flu and for colds.
In nature certain nuts like The Brazil nut, contain as much as 100 mcg per nut.
VITAMIN E TO BRING THE EFFECT OF AGING TO A CRAWL Said to be the best antioxidant around today. This vitamin has been linked to lower cases of heart disease, some eye conditions, and some cancers. Some research has lead nutrition specialists to recommend Vitamin E after exercise because of its ability to lower muscle problems related to exercising. A dose of at least 400 IU is preferred daily. Most people only receive a portion of this dose about 45 IU by way of a multivitamin. To get more Vitamin E in your diet increase your intake of nuts and oils.
Try to get natural Vitamin E called (d-alpha tocopherol) this is easier for the body to absorb.
If you are confused about which type of multivitamin to buy here are some pointers. A multivitamin helps lower heart disease, possible stroke, and reduces risks of diabetes. There are several on the market. Look for multivitamin that has 100% of daily allowances of the 16 core nutrients. With extra dose of illness busters -like lutein, lycopene, and selenium. Try and avoid extra iron this could lead a higher risk of heart conditions.
About the Author
Robert is an Author for a Man Health information website. You can find up to date information on men's health,fitness,and other helpful tips on men's issues Goto his website at http://todays-man-health-advocate.com
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