Are you making customers an offer they can’t refuse?
I was reading an article in Forbes Global just before Christmas entitled ‘The Undeaded’. The article considered the great number of software companies who have been losing millions of $ and eating into their cash mountains built up by raising equity...
Do You Know Who Your Customers Really Are?
Successful marketing of a product or service rests on the effective market research. Marketing research is an answer to various questions that crop up in your mind regarding the product. Some of the questions are:
- Will the product sell?
How to Calm Cranky Customers Without Blowing Your Stack
There isn't a day that goes by that I don't hear another small
business owners complaining about some of the customers they
have to do business with. Some of them REALLY are legitimate
complaints, but after listening to 100's of...
Increasing Sales with Customer Interaction Points
Documenting and exploring the communications you have with your customers can reveal opportunities for selling and educating them that may not have been apparent previously. It is important to understand the terms that are being used here because...
No matter what business you're in, it never fails. Every so often, you get one of those customers that seems to make an effort to find something to complain about. Maybe they're unhappy with your customer service, accuse you of selling faulty...
5 Simple Tips For Dealing With Nasty Customers
If you've been in business very long, you've likely heard it
all! You know, the irate customer who is going to sue you over
the nineteen dollar product that they claim is bogus; the one
that's going to "shut your business down" because they conjure
up in their minds that you might have breeched your privacy
policy, or the one that takes complete advantage of your
money-back guaranty. My favorite has to be the one that calls
and screams vulgarities into the phone for apparently no reason.
It doesn't happen often, but if you're going to be in business,
you will run across some nut cases from time to time. Some can
be diffused, some can't. That's just the way things go in
There are some simple techniques for dealing with irate
customers without burning yourself an ulcer over them and
without telling them you hope they get cancer and die!
Here are some tips you may find useful...
1. Don't take it personal
There is one thing that almost all nasty customers have in
common. They try to attack you on a personal level. Name calling
is not unusual. When you take it personal, you are likely to get
into a yelling match with the customer which resolves nothing
and only stands to make things worse. Try to diffuse the
situation - kill the anger with kindness so to speak. If that
doesn't work, ask them to contact you again once they have
calmed down and are willing to speak reasonably. Refuse to speak
with a customer in an irate state. You don't have to put up with
abuse ever.
2. Don't overdo the "customer is always right" concept
In customer service training you will always hear that the
customer is always right. While that is true to some extent,
sometimes they are just flat wrong. You should always try to
accommodate a customer
within reason, but do not allow that
concept to go too far.
3. Realize it isn't always your problem
Sometimes people just have a bad day and are looking for someone
to take it out on. A hateful, ugly customer is often one of
these people. If you listen to their ranting and raving, then
respond kindly telling them you understand their frustration and
you want to work with them to come to a resolution, you will
often diffuse the anger and uncover the rational human being
beneath it.
4. Don't fall for fear invoking bluffs
In customer service some business people tend to do anything to
avoid the potential harm of a threat even if it means losing
money or giving in to irrational demands. When you are
threatened, consider the validity of the threat. Do you really
think someone is going to pay thousands of dollars in attorney
fees to sue you over a low dollar transaction? Likely not.
Again, do what you can to accommodate within reason but don't
give in to unsubstantiated threats.
5. Be prepared to decide whether or not a customer relationship
is worth salvaging
You've heard it said that one happy customer tells one person
about your business while an unhappy customer will tell 10 or
more. Undoubtedly, word of mouth can be the best or the worst
exposure for your business. This is the very basis of the "the
customer is always right" concept. Of course it is best to
salvage a customer relationship if you can, but again, do so
within reason.
About the author:
Jason Tarasi publishes the reciprocal links newsletter "Elite
Links" Learn HOW thousands of other Elite Links members generate
FREE traffic and increase their search engine rankings by
swapping links. Grab your free lifetime subscription now at:
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