Ezine Reading – A Must for Success
Anyone that spends any time on-line will quickly learn the
importance of publishing your own ezine. I do not remember
one Guru’s information reports that I have read that did
not suggest that you create your own ezine to aid in
building an on-line business.
What I do no believe I have ever read anything about though
is the importance of reading these Ezines!
With the Ezines that I subscribe to that publish daily or
more then once a week, I probably get 150 plus Ezines a week.
And I read every one of them.
I will admit that this is a very time consuming task especially
on Friday’s when many weekly Ezines go out. As some of your know
I work full-time at home now and spend an average of 80-100
hours a week on building my on-line businesses.
I could probably cut out well over 15 hours a week if I just
unsubscribed to all these Ezines, or just deleted them all.
Why would anyone spend that amount of time reading Ezines
each week? The list is almost endless!
First, I have to be honest and say that I am afraid I am
going to miss something if I do not take time to read these.
Most Ezines are more then just “a bunch of ads”. To me, they
are my newspapers for on-line life.
From some of these I build personal relationships. I am kept
updated on the struggles one publisher is having with their
health and trying to keep all the work caught up. Another
shares the vacation highlights that they took. So why
should you care about who is sick or who went where?
If you work full-time at home, it can be a very isolated life.
I will admit this is part of the appeal for me. I also know
that I can not lose touch with the fact that people out there
are real. They have pains and trials, good times and bad,
and they take vacations. They are human and they are what
I want my on-line life to be about.
By reading about what is going on with other publishers, I
am reminded that I will have tough times, and that I can make
it through them. I am reminded that I am not alone in spirit
even though I work alone. And I am reminded to get off the
computer and have some fun occasionally, like taking a much
needed vacation.
The next thing I gain from reading all these Ezines is
knowledge, plain and simple. No one ever knows it all no
matter how long you might have been doing something. By
reading other publishers, I find knowledge that I can put
to use, and information I want to share with you. The useful
resources I find in all these Ezines are
I also get ideas on how to improve my ezine. If there is
an ezine I particularly like, I look at why and see how I
can incorporate that positive into The-Net-Review. I find
ideas on how to grow this ezine so that my readers get
more benefit from their advertising.
Even the few Ezines that are not my favorites tell me
what I don’t want to do like make The-Net-Review nothing
but an advertisement medium for me and my interests.
One of the biggest benefits I get from reading all these
Ezines comes from advertising opportunities. I place every
free ad I am offered. I enter every contest for chances
for free classifieds or solos. I send out my articles to
other Ezines for the writing experience and the free publicity.
Granted, classified advertising does not work as well as
solo ads do, but they do work. Take advantage of every
free advertising opportunity you can find until you can
afford a bigger advertising budget.
I also learn from reading others ads. If I am seeing
advertisements for a business opportunity in virtually
every ezine I read, I know that I should check it out.
You can often times end up much higher in a matrix for
a hot business opportunity because you saw the growth
before someone that doesn’t bother with Ezines.
As I said at the start, the benefits that come from
reading Ezines can be endless. When you are trying to
figure out what to start on next, or get motivated to
even start, pull up an ezine. Spend a while reminding
yourself what you are trying to build, to accomplish.
Relax for a while then get back to work.
I understand how precious at-home work time can be if
you are also working full-time outside the home.
I firmly believe the time we put into reading Ezines
pays off tenfold. If you need to, print out some and
read them on your work breaks or lunch. I print off
e-books and read them while my daughter and I watch a
show together. She really doesn’t care if I see the show,
she just wants me off the computer and close to her for
Only you can decided if the time sacrifices that
reading a bunch of Ezines may take pays off for you.
But you won’t know the benefits you are missing until
you spend the time seeing what you are missing.
“There is a principle which is a bar against all
information, which is proof against all arguments
and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting
ignorance – that principle is contempt prior to
investigation.” Herbert Spencer