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Mind Power - Discover The Hidden Superpowers Inside Your Mind

Your mind, what it contains and how you use it, is an infinite wonder. It has the fantastic ability to transmute your desires into physical counterparts and create a new reality for you. You can do anything that your mind can conceive, as long as you have the belief and will power to back it up.

Skeptical? Cancer patients who were given placebo pills got well. Placebos are just plain pills without medicine that have no physical healing capabilities. So how did those patients get well?

The power to heal came from their thoughts. They were told that these pills contained the highest amounts of cancer-fighting ingredients which could effectively cure them in a matter of days.

They believed that their health would be restored. Their minds registered that these pills will cure them of their illnesses. In the process, the belief embedded within their subconscious became reality.

See how powerful your mind is?

So how can you use your mind to achieve your dreams? One of the most effective ways is to use the "as if" principle.

Act as if you are the person you want to be. Act as if you are already in possession of whatever you long to have.

What do you want to be? You want to be a lawyer, doctor, athlete, or newscaster? Think, act, and feel like one. Keep your goal in mind. You'll be much closer to your goal if you're constantly in touch with your objective. Be like a lawyer, a doctor, an athlete, a newscaster. Be obsessed with your dream. However, don't try to fly out the window if you want to be Superman - that's not a good idea at all! But you can be stronger, braver, stand taller.

It's not enough that you act as if you are what you want to be. You have to actually ACT, behave differently. Do what needs to be done. You might get so lost in your fantasy world that you forgot to take some action. Let your visions encourage and motivate you to actualize your purpose not just in your head but in the real world.

In the modern world, we're far too preoccupied with our worries,

anxieties, and negative emotions. As a result, we adversely affect the state of our health, fostering stress-induced conditions and diseases.

In some situations, white lies have been used to ease burdens of doubt or persuade others to do what they believed was unattainable.

There was once a weightlifter who couldn't lift more than 300 lbs. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't manage more. So one day his coach devised a clever plan. He told his weightlifter that the barbell in front of him weighed only 300 lbs. The weightlifter went to the barbell and with all his might, managed to lift it and put it above his head. After he put it down, the coach told him that he had just lifted 350 lbs. of weight!

It's often true we can do what we think we can't, if we change what's in our heads. There's an old saying: "Fortune favors the prepared mind." It's all in the mind!

A famous person once said, "Whenever you think you can or you can't, you're right."

If you think you are poor, then you are, unless you properly re-condition your beliefs and thoughts into a positive, rather than a negative, mindset. Sure it's hard to think rich if your environment is not conducive to such way of thinking. That's when it's time to use your imagination! Visualize your house to be a mansion, your old car to be a limousine... and do it often. Use your mind to expand the possibilities. You get the picture.

There is absolutely no limit to what the mind can achieve. But you have to combine belief, will power, and action with positive thinking and a positive mindset in order to arrive at your intended destination.
About the Author

Author: Mickaël Kerenterff. For more information, please visit my website at where you can grab a free e-course about Mind Power Secrets. You will discover How to Conquer Your Fears, Turn Your Dreams into Reality, and Get Anything You Want in Your Life by Unleashing the Full Powers of Your Mind!


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