Discover How To Redecorate Your Website To Increase Sales
What colors do you have at your website? Can they make a difference in the number of sales that you generate? The use of the right colors on your website can actually increase your sales. When people see certain colors they can change their...
How To Increase Your Online Sales Anytime
Hold a discount sale on your web site. Use the sale to get rid of excess inventory, gain new or repeat customers, and increase your sales. Most businesses pick a theme for their sale, like a Halloween Sale. Below are six unique sales themes you...
Increase Sales By Flying Under Your Prospects Radar
How do you persuade someone to do what you want them to do? A whole world of marketing exists around us trying to do that every minute of the day. Do you even notice it anymore or, like your prospects, have you subconsciously set up a system of...
Politicians Are Like Car Sales People...
Well, another election has come and gone in the US and no matter which way you voted there are some important marketing lessons to learn.
First, you need to put aside the campaign rhetoric and focus on the strategy and tactics and there are...
You, Too, Can be a Salesperson
I am not a sales and marketing guru. I've written two books on marketing and taught thousands of people how to sell themselves, but really, I don't know more about sales and marketing than most of you. What I know how to do is talk to people, all...
Quadruple Your Online Sales Within 4 Months
If you want a quick and simple way to create regular income online, follow my lead.
I am a non-techie book coach who has been in business for 20 years, but only Online for 2 years, and only selling ebooks and special reports for 8 months. In only eight months I manifested amazing Online profits.
In August, my first month up on my new Web site my ebooks sold $75. The second month my sales quadrupled to $300. The third month my sales catapulted to ten times. My fourth month, November, 2001, made $1135. December brought me $2265. In 2002, all sales zoomed to over $3000 each month.
How did this happen? Certainly I'm not an overnight success. I had a huge learning curve. I kicked and screamed when business friends said, "Judy, you have to have an email account." My Web master friend said, "Judy, you have to have a Web site." That was two years ago, and now I'm known by many as the Non-techie eBook Queen.
If you're like me, you may want to create an ezine to let people know who you are and what services you can give them. Be open to growing and ask people who know more than you do for help. It's amazing that the higher you go, the more willing people are to help.
Yes, it takes some effort, but what else would I do since I love this work so much? Willing to delegate, my virtual assistant and myself work as a team, I do the writing and the creating, and he offers
technical support to get the word out to millions of Internet savvy people who want to buy Online. We spend 4 days a week 2 hours a day on these Online projects.
I discovered that marketing is everything and Online marketing is so much easier, faster, and more profitable than offline. It's convenient. You don't have to travel; you don't even have to talk to large groups or sell products at the back of the room. Like myself, you can sell many more products each month than through traditional publishing and promotion methods.
Online costs are low: no printing bills, no wrapping, no postage, no trucking, no inventory, and no sales tax. Another benefit? Your customers are happy because they get immediate delivery of their books to their email address.
The biggest benefit? This endless virtual marketing machine is out there for anyone of you, and you can learn from a qualified teacher, author, take a teleclass, or get individual coaching to boost your Online sales beyond your wildest imagination. What are you waiting for?
About the Author
Judy Cullins: author, publisher, book coach Helps professionals manifest their book and web dreams eBook: _Ten Non-techie Ways to Market Your Book Online_ www.bookcoaching.com/products.shtml Send an email to Subscribe@bookcoaching.com FREE The Book Coach Says... includes 2 free eReports Judy@bookcoaching.com Ph:619/466/0622
Sales - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
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